Forgotten Pals


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I was called by my friend a ‘plant killer’, every time I try to keep a plant, it dies eventually. Because I always forget to water it and put it under sunshine. This time I want to make a difference. Putting eyes on those leaves is a reminder for me: these leaves are alive, they are my forgotten pals, though they are just standing there and won’t leave, I can never take them for granted. When I create the face on them and named them, I created a connection with them. I amplified their ’leavinity’ by humanise them. They are not only inorganic objects for me anymore.



I was inspired by the action I’ve been doing over years: faces mining. I feel extremely excited anytime I find a face accidentally. They are like little creatures hidden in the living environment, I mined them out like minding out a friend, I have one more to have conversation with, to share my feelings with. 



 I feel the face making activity was very healing to me, so I wanted to share the magical feeling with others. I started to be curious about what do others consider as alive when it’s usually forgotten or believed as inorganic. So I passed these eyes to different people, asking them to stick those eyes on objects that they feel contains a life inside.